Species: Human


  • Ghost House 1: 21
  • Ghost House 2: 26

Birthday: 13 October 1996 [ ]

Blood Type: AB

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Transmasculine Nonbinary (they/them)

Height: 5'5" (165 cm)

Race: African American

Color: #3A45A1


  • Debating
  • Wine
  • Rainy weather


  • Nonsense


  • Jason Marsh
  • Unnamed Mother
  • Unnamed Father

Lives in: Doodletown, NY, USA, UV-00282

Adjectives: Reasonable, clever, dry.

Klair Marsh is a young human who attends college in UV-00282's Doodletown.

Their appearance varies depending on which installment they're in. In the first Ghost House (Redux), they have short, fluffy, dark brown hair, dyed a lighter honey color at the ends. Their eyes are dark brown, and they have lighter brown skin, with freckles across their cheeks. They wear a white shirt with blue sleeves, dark jeans, and floppy sneakers. Later in Ghost House II, they wear their hair up in a bun, and have a golden nose ring and dark brown glasses. They hold their signature weapon (a wooden baseball bat) in both adventures.

When October of 2017 came around, their younger brother went missing in their hometown, prompting them to come home from college and visit their family and friends. During the visit, they encounter the Albin House in the woods, which lures in their friend Leon Bravo.


Being the protagonist, Klair's personality doesn't necessarily shine through - they're much more subdued than their other friends, preferring to stay quiet and watch than join in on their banter. They don't mean to be rude (when this does come off as rude) - they just don't really feel like they have anything interesting to contribute to a conversation most of the time. Klair flourishes when there's a logical issue to puzzle a solution out, and has some trouble understanding more philosophical things. This is mostly why Klair opted to go into law as their primary area of study, even though it was more expensive and difficult! They feel most confident when there's an answer to be found for things, though they restrain from becoming nosy.

Despite how quiet they are, they are considerably popular, and most people have a good impression of them. Klair will be more relaxed around those they really know, though they still act kind of detatched, just a habit of theirs they developed in childhood. Klair believes every problem has to be solvable somehow, and this knowledge makes them feel calm enough to approach anything with a level head and a steadfast heart. Klair does have a sense of humor, as they like to tease their friends when the opportunity presents itself.

Klair has a hard time talking about their real troubles, though, even to those close to them. They hide the fact that Jason is missing for some time from their friends, and even upon telling them, Klair brushes off attempts to comfort them. While they work to improve this issue over time, they still have struggles with being direct about things that are bothering them. They'd much rather be self-reliant and be able to resolve issues themselves, really.


Pre-GH I

Klair grew up as an only child for some time, born to two loving parents in late 1996. Life was pretty simple, and Klair met and befriended Leon in the early days of preschool, after their fifth birthday. Two years later, their younger brother, Jason, is born. Klair takes the role of being an older sibling very seriously, being very pleased with having a little brother to look after now. As they move on to middle school, they meet Issac Johnson, who would later begin dating Klair's best friend Leon.

They meet Bonnie Grey, the final member of their quartet, in the early days of freshman year in high school. The four are thick as thieves, and all four help Klair keep Jason out of trouble. When they turn 18, Klair moves away from their hometown to attend college, deciding to major in law and become a public defender. Their grades are exceptional and they throw themselves into their studies thoroughly, falling a little bit out of touch with those they left behind in their old town.

In October of 2017, not long after their 21st birthday, Klair gets the news from their parents that their kid brother has gone missing. They decide to take some time between semesters to drive back home and help in searching for him, though not before reuniting with their old friends and getting shitfaced together.



Post-GH I

The events that follow Ghost House I are done on an assumed "release" ending, the most canon of the endings.

Klair continues on after their experience in the Albin House, deciding to take their college studies online instead of in person in order to be able to travel through the country finding Houses and dismantling them with the help of their friends. At some point during their journey, they become romantically involved with Bonnie, though both are very private about their relationship together. During all this, Klair stays in touch with their parents through letters.

Despite escaping the Albin House, Klair continues to be haunted by it, as do the rest of their friends. When Leon and Issac announce their engagement in late 2022, and Bai leaves them to go finally dismantle the House for good, Klair has no choice but to follow their trail.



Post-GH II

The events that follow Ghost House II are done on an assumed all-live ending (which has yet to be named).



Jason Marsh

Klair has looked after Jason for most of his life, and has always felt very protective of their brother. They know that he looks up to them, and so they try to set the best example they can by being responsible and mature - even though they let him get away with all kinds of irresponsible things. When he goes missing, they drop everything to go look for him, showing how much he means to them.

While they miss him dearly, Klair is glad that they were able to help Jason move on.

Bonnie Grey

They feel like Bonnie's one of the few people in the world who can keep up with Klair's wit, and they find it pretty fun to talk to her and fuck around. They find her to be pretty cute, as they always have, and they want to help her feel like she belongs in the world somewhere. Klair was most worried about her wellbeing when they left their hometown to attend college.

The two start a romantic relationship between the events of Ghost House 1 and Ghost House 2, during their travels.

Leon Bravo

As alluded to in Ghost House 1, Klair has known Leon since they were young, and he's been like a brother to them. They've always been kind of inspired by the way Leon is - he's always so confident and relaxed, and they wonder how he can feel so calm most of the time with how crazy life can get. They're glad that he's their friend.

His input is pretty valuable to them. Even if they don't really follow it all the time.

Lucien Bai

During the events of Ghost House 1, Klair talks a lot to Bai, getting to know them and figure out what kind of person they are. They become good friends through the adventure, and when Bai becomes alive again, they proceed to search and dismantle Houses together. Klair knows that Bai has their back, and they have complete faith in them.

Sometimes Klair likes to tease Bai, but they think Bai's pretty cool.

Issac Johnson

They met in middle school, though Klair's mostly known him through Leon. They're glad that he's dating Leon, and they're aware of how much better he makes Leon's life. That said, they've definitely given the shovel talk to Issac already, several times over. When he asks Klair if he should propose to Leon, they encourage him to do so, giving him their seal of approval.

He can be kind of annoying sometimes, but Klair knows he means well, and he's just a funny guy.


Klair is a very big sci-fi fanatic, having watched all kinds of movies in the genre.

Their favorite drink is red wine, though they don't drink all that often.

Klair was inspired to study law by a substitute teacher in their middle school civics class.